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Absolute value display with potentiometric or incremental type transducer with encoder.

The Tiny Syel has high reading stability even in the RPM version.

It does not need to be reset on power up.

Performs direct conversionsinch-mm-feet.

It has two relay outputs used as limit switches.

It can perform a positioning a potentiometer with slowdown and recovery games. Machine parameters including calibration
of the scale can be performed digitally using four keys located near of the display. It has a further digital input through which it is possible to vary the reading: enter an offset or operate simultaneously with absolute or relative values.


SYEL SRL Industrial Automation Electronic Systems

PI/CF 01140840503     Via Liguria, 1     56030 Pontedera Gello (PI), Italy

Phone: ++39 0587 294096      e-mail:     PEC:

unique recipient code 5RUO82D

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